June 2022 CLE Luncheon
When: June 7, 2022 @ Noon
Location: Club Giraud
707 N. St. Mary's Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
Honorable Norma Gonzales, 131st Civil District Court
Laura Cavaretta, Cavaretta, Katona & Leighner, PLLC
Jane Bockus, Dykema
Emma Cano, Jefferson Cano
Join veteran trial lawyers Hon. Norma Gonzales, Laura Cavaretta, Jane Bockus, and Emma Cano in a conversation about what it takes to be an effective trial lawyer. The panelists will share their stories of what has worked—and what hasn't—in trials all over the state and around the country. They will also share their insights into what effective oral advocacy looks like.
Approved for 1 hour MCLE Credit.
CLE Credit Number 174160289